Saturday, October 13, 2007

"This is turning into a shopping blog."

There comes a time,
In every man's life,
When he must make an important decision:

Should I,
Or should I not,
Carry a manbag?

I've never had the habit of carrying bags,
Because firstly,
I don't carry much with me when I go out,
And secondly,
Whatever I need fits nicely into my pockets.

Then I started wearing slim-cut jeans.
And now nothing fits into the pockets.
I can't fit my phone,
(Which is damn thick to begin with)
Into my front pocket,
Without me accidentally dialling someone,
Even if I lock the keypad.

So I've been using my green canvas bag,
Which I bought from the army market for $6,
While I decide which bag I want to splurge on.

I only have enough money for one bag,
So I wanted to spend more time,
Looking around and comparing prices,
But before I could do that,
Taka started its 14th anniversary sale today,
And damn...

I just couldn't resist.

14% off almost everything,
And plus another additional 10% if you have the Taka card,
Which thankfully, my boss has.

Anyway, even if I wanna blame myself,
For buying on impulse,
It's also too late,
But I can't wait to use my manbag tomorrow.

Some of you guys might think Dunhill is an uncle brand,
But it suits me fine!

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