Thursday, June 22, 2006

"A long one to compensate."

What I have been up to since Tuesday:


10:30pm -
Buay tahan,
And went to nap,
Halfway through the Germany/Ecuador game.


1:30am -
Woke up,
And watched my new Thomas & Friends VCD.

3:30am -
Buay tahan again,
And fell asleep.

6:30am -
Woke up and washed up...
Before heading back to bed again.

6:30pm -
Finally woke up.

What the hell is this?
How come I can sleep so much?

And the best part is,
I'm still feeling tired,
(In addition to feeling like shit)
Even after sleeping so much.

Wednesday is Room-Cleaning Day,
And I haven't done a single thing yet.


I was at Paragon on Tuesday,
(That's when I bought my new Thomas VCD)
When I felt a little discomfort in my stomach region,
And had to rush to the toilet.

Don't get the wrong idea,
I really do like the toilets in Paragon,
Because they look so posh and they're always clean,
But there are certain details,
Which must've been overlooked by the designer.

Why do you place the tap so close to the edge of the sink?
There's no way to keep the basin area dry,
Because it'll inevitably get flooded when you wash your hands.

Actually it's not just the toilets at Paragon,
But I just got reminded of bad toilet designs that day.

And at my workplace,
There're only two soap dispensers,
One at each end,
So don't use the sink right next to the dispenser,
Unless you want someone saying,
"Excuse me.."
And trying to get past you and reach for the soap,
Every 5 seconds or so.

There are many more,
But I'm too lazy to write anymore.

Maybe toilet designers don't use the toilet.
That's why they have no first-hand experience.

I also attended Paul and Joey's wedding on Sunday,
My first wedding,
Where I actually know the bride and groom,
And not just some distant relative's.

And as usual,
All the female guests were dressed to impress,
While the men just looked,
Like they were heading to town during the weekend.

But oh well,
This is Singapore afterall.
Men don't wear suits,
Unless you're a salesperson at some high-end boutique.

And I noticed that it is almost a necessity,
For couples to sing during their weddings.
Gotta give Paul and Joey some props though,
For not choosing some cheesy poppy love song.

(Paul sang "The blower's daughter" by Damien Rice)

I wore proper shoes for the event,
Some simple black leather lace-ups,
And by the end of the day,
My feet were killing me.

Formal shoes suck man!
There was barely any heel on them,
But my feet already buay tahan.
How come women can run and stand all day,
On their killer stilettos?
Or do they all have an iSqueeze each,
Waiting for them at home?

I was thinking,
Of buying a pair of white tapered-toe laceups,
But I think from now on,
I'll just stick to my sneakers,
Thank you very much.

Speaking of sneakers,
I haven't bought shoes for a long, long time,
And I'm feeling miserable.

This is not really related,
But I dreamt that I had a pair of Crocs the other day!
I know there are some people who think,
They're the ugliest shoes ever,
But to me,
They could be perfect for riding.

Especially during the rainy season.
They're more sturdy and secure than flip-flops,
And there are holes for the water to drain out!

I think I'm gonna get myself a pair.

But I haven't decided on the color yet.

It's been raining like crazy recently.
And it is SURE to rain the morning after,
I've just washed my bike.

So all bike-washing plans have been scrapped for now.

I was caught in the most severe rainstorm ever,
Earlier in the month.
So bad that my RedWing boots filled up with water.
I think the water level reached at least 2, 3 inches inside!
So bad that even water seeped into my box.
So bad that visibility was down to 2 cars' length,
And yet those damn drivers,
Still refused to switch on the lights!

Bloody drivers.

I bet the one who wrote to the Straits Times,
To complain about motorcyclists was probably one of them.
"Oh, why can't motorcylists observe lane discipline?
Why must they weave in and out of traffic?
Why must they get right to the front?
I saw this Harley Davidson rider...
He didn't squeeze between the cars!
I hope all motorcylists learn from them... "

Yah, yah, yah.

The only reason why the Harleys don't do it,
Is because they can't.

Where do you drivers expect us bikers to go?
If I ride in the centre of the lane,
They try to squeeze me out of it,
Or they come uncomfortably close.

If I ride between the cars,
They say we're not observing traffic rules.
Whatever lah.

So as for the lorry driver,
Who was attacked by the motorcylist,
(As reported in the papers)
It's really hard to feel sorry for him.

He signaled right and turned left,
Almost hitting the motorcylist.
And refused to apologize.

So the motorcylist dragged him out of his lorry,
And whacked him.
With his motorcycle helmet.

The driver died after the attack.

I just hope I don't end up doing this one day.

This is in response to a comment:

I am a guy.
Whether I like other guys or not is not important.
I am a guy,
And therefore I cannot be a lesbian.
I know there are other ftms who call themselves lesbians,
But that's their problem.
And there are far more important things in life to do,
Than to spend time to educate them.

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