"Feathered friends."
I've been wanting to blog,
But work has been keeping me really busy,
And the 2 parrots at home are driving me up the wall.
I have 2 parrots to take care of out of the blue.
One actually used to belong to my brother's girlfriend,
But she has migrated to New Zealand,
And she couldn't take the bird along,
So he was left in the care of her dad.
And her dad doesn't do anything beyond feeding him.
So the poor thing was stuck in his cage for 2 weeks,
Before he was finally brought over to my place.
I've actually met Prince a few times before that,
And I thought he was the cutest thing ever.
So I was really glad to have him over.
Afterall, I've been feeling pretty down,
Ever since Joy died last October.
Well, it wasn't all fun and games at first.
Seems like the 2 weeks without human interaction,
And the fact that he has been left behind by his owner,
Have turned Prince a little anti-social.
I'm so glad,
The "getting-to-know-each-other" sessions,
Are finally over,
Because to sum it up,
Parrot bites can be damn bloody painful!
The only problem I'm facing now,
Is that he refuses to go back to his cage at night.
In fact,
I'm so tired now because I spent one hour,
Trying to coax and trick him back into his cage.
So there's Prince, an Eclectus,
And there's also Love, an African Grey.
(Don't ask, I didn't name them)
Love's my brother's beloved,
And I'm just petsitting him (or her?),
Because my brother has gone to NZ as well,
For a 2 month long holiday.
Love's supposedly more tame than Prince,
But I guess I haven't earned his trust yet,
Because he still bites me,
And rejects my offers to bring him out of the cage,
To be honest,
I've never had any experience with birds at all,
And now I'm wondering what I'm getting myself into.
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