Friday, October 27, 2006

"And the fat lady sings... "

So it's finally over.

And they're probably still tearing down the shop,
As I write this.
Or maybe it's already torn down, haha.

Wednesday was the last day,
So I've already spent 2 days at home nua-ing,
And wondering what to do next.

Damn sian.

I'm also feeling quite sad,
Not because I'm emotionally attached to the shop,
But because my free-and-easy lifestyle,
Has come to an end.

I could makan several times a day,
And I was also spoilt for choice at the mall.
Sometimes when there are no customers,
I could also drop by my favourite Topman,
Or check out the latest kicks at LeftFoot.

(Topman is the best,
Cos they carry XXS!)


Now will be bored and broke again.
What a deadly combi.

I went to get my new suspensions fixed today.
They looked great,
And I thought I could rush down to VICOM,
For inspection after that,
But it was almost 5:30pm when I was done.

Now I have all the time in the world.

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